
This guide will explain the different type of exceptions raised by SQL-Tools library

The SQL-Tools contains several types of error that raised when there's a special error caused by internal operations. To debug these errors(s), we should know the causes and solutions to these errors. So, here's a quick overview of the errors that are commonly raised by the library.


This error is raised when an invalid query is provided or the query is not available in that specific database.


This error is raised when an invalid path is provided or the query is not available in that specific database.


This error is raised when an invalid parameter value is provided or the query is not available in that specific database.


This error is raised when an invalid table is present in the database which contains corrupted entries.


This error is raised when an in database, invalid tables/binaries are present.


This error is raised when there is security issue in the command/database provided.


This error is raised when an some issue is occurred while processing the data as numpy array.


This error is raised when an error is occurred while processing the command from file or table. This can be solved by removing newlines from the file.


This error is raised when there is a function which is out of support or it's deprecated & there's high chance of removal of the function in future. It's just a warning but you can ignore it by providing err=False in the respective function.


This error is raised when there's a collapse between primary & foreign key. This can be solved by taking a closer look at primary & foreign keys.


This error is raised when an connection error. It can be of fetching database or connection with the database.


This is a some sort of shared error. This can be of multiple type. This is raised when there is an error which don't fall under any of the above categories. The information is provided in the error statement.

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